

En esta sección podrán consultar algunos de los informes y estudios desarrollados por el equipo del proyecto.

Video "Assessing the invasion risk of Vespa velutina in Europe (Atlantic-Positive, Interreg)" (WP7)

Brief explanation about main aims of University of Santiago de Compostela research group within the Atlantic-POSitiVE project (Interreg 2019-2022). This video is inserted in the WP7 training activities, activities 2 and 3.

Watch the video here

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Vídeo "Impacto económico da Vespa velutina na apicultura"| Economic impact of Vespa velutina on beekeeping (WP7)

This video describes the work of the University of Santiago de Compostela research team in the field of WP7 training activities (activities 2 and 3).

Watch the video here

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Article: "Assessment of the In Vivo and In Vitro Release of Chemical Compounds from Vespa velutina"

Vespa velutina has been rapidly expanding throughout Galicia since 2012. It is causing human health risks and well-known losses in the beekeeping sector. Control methods are scarce, unspecific, and ineffective. Semiochemicals are insect-derived chemicals that play a role in communication and they could be used an integrated pest management tool alternative to conventional pesticides. A previous determination of the organic chemical profile should be the first step in the study of these semiochemicals. HS-SPME in living individuals and the sting apparatus extraction followed by GC-MS spectrometry were combined to extract a possible profile of these compounds in 43 hornets from Galicia. The identified compounds were hydrocarbons, ketones, terpenes, and fatty acid, and fatty acid esters. Nonanal aldehyde appeared in important concentrations in living individuals. While pentadecane, 8-hexyl- and ethyl oleate were mainly extracted from the venom apparatus. Ketones 2-nonanone, 2-undecanone and 7-nonen-2-one, 4,8-dimethyl- were identified by both procedures, as was 1,7-Nonadiene, 4,8-dimethyl-. Some compounds were detected for the first time in V. velutina such as naphthalene, 1,6-dimethyl-4-(1-methylethyl). The chemical profile by caste was also characterized.

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O impacto da Vespa-asiática, Vespa velutina Lepeletier, 1836 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), na saúde pública em Portugal

INIAV has presented the research progress of the Atlantic Positive project in the "XIX Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia" in Coimbra. 

You can download the summary of their paper and their presentation here. 

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New Research Study "Vespa velutina: características e impactos de una exitosa especie exótica invasora"

Vespa velutina: traits and impacts of a successful invasive alien species

The invasion of Vespa velutina Lepeletier, 1836 continues to expand into new areas. It is an invasive alien species that currently produces
social alarm and concern for its ecological, economic and social impacts. The objective of this work is to explore the biological traits of the species to
understand the reasons for its invasive success and impacts. These are related to aspects such as a complex social system, a versatile generalist behaviour
or a high reproductive rate added to its ability to establish colonies from a single mated queen. The impacts of this hymenopteran on ecosystems
and beekeeping are related to its behaviour as a predator of insect-pollinators, particularly honeybees. The increase of the population during summer
and its preference for urban and semi-urban areas entail frequent encounters with people, resulting in an increased risk of being stung. Its defences
involve chemical communication triggering collective attacks and the injection of a venom rich in toxins that impacts human health.

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Distribution of Vespa velutina

Map of the distribution of V. velutina in Europe:

This map represents observation records of Vespa velutina in Europe in a 10x10 km grid (centroids marked by GoogleMaps pins). A map of presence records in Asia (native and invaded area) can be found here.


Database of presence records

You can download the full list of Vespa velutina records here. For more info, check the metadata.

More info

EAPA_800/2018 - Atlantic-POSitiVE: Conservation of Atlantic pollination services and control of the invasive species Vespa velutina

WP5: Development of tools to monitor V. velutina: environmental mapping, photographs and dynamic modelling

Action 3: Public information record on the presence/absence of the invasive species in the Atlantic Area

Partner: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC)

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