Vespa velutina: a menace for Western Iberian fruit production
A new scientific article in open access with scientific arbitration has been published in the Cogent Food & Agriculture magazine thanks to the Atlantic-POSitiVE project
The Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) is an invasive species that causes severely negative impacts on the ecosystems’ functioning, human health and agriculture. Its impact extends to the detriment of orchards and vineyards as the species feeds on fruits to obtain sugar, consequently diminishing the marketable yield and reducing the overall quantity of final products. The survey presented in this manuscript aimed to study the agricultural technicians’ appraisal of fruit damage caused by V. velutina since its appearance in the western coast of the Iberian Peninsula. In Galicia, Spain, 83% of technicians reported incidents on fruit damage, primarily affecting grapes, but also on pears and apples. In Portugal, 25% of technicians reported similar occurrences covering 8 species of fruit, notably on grapes, but also on apples, pears, figs, plums, peaches, blueberries and blackberries. This outcome showcases how V. velutina may cause non-negligible, direct detriment to fruit production, particularly to grapes. More studies are needed to quantify the economic impact of this type of damage.