A new paper on distribution models of Vespa velutina has been published by one of the Atlantic Positive partners (Including a 2-min summary video)
The study conducts a retrospective study to assess whether correlative Species Distribution Models (SDMs) can predict the spatio-temporal range of expansion in an invasive species, the Asian hornet
Paper: Formoso-Freire et al. (2023). Predicting the spatio-temporal pattern of range expansion under lack of equilibrium with climate. Biological Conservation, online early (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110361)
A 2-min summary on YouTube: https://youtu.be/bUVgcTTnM98?si=ei9bNf9WGJZzBZFo
More information about this action of the Atlantic-Positive in a USC dedicated web page: http://webspersoais.usc.es/persoais/carola.gomez/BiogeographyLab//positive/Info.html